Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Monsters Ball, HQ

Again im not sure what year this was.  Looks like it would of been an awesome show!!!

The Castle

Im not sure what year this was.  But another castle show.  Im guessing 2006.

The Castle, 28/07/06

In phase 1 of the hookers we played the castle so much its hard to remember which show was which.  I do not remember who priority one or the socialites were.

Dont try this at home, 20/05/06, HQ

The Mexicans Tour, Swan Basement, 29/10/06

I dont really remember what the mexicans were like or anything about this show.

Manhattans, 05/08/10

The first time we played at manhattans.  Its a great venue.

Chainsaw Horror, 11/04/09, Hyde Park

A two stage affair in the Hydey backroom, for the relaunch of chainsaw horror(a horror shop in perth). We played on the floor.